[Banshee-List] Last.Fm Top Tracks Plugin

Hi all,

Inspired by the excellent recommendations-plugin i wanted to see what
else is possible with all the last.fm data.

I created a small plugin that adds a sort of playlist that contains your
most played tracks. It still lacks some things as error checking but
works ok.

It is a bit of a my-first-csharp-program. Please comment on it if you
want to.

You can find the source as well as a compiled dll here:

I compiled it with: mcs -out:LastFmTopTracksPlugin.dll
-resource:chart.png -r:/usr/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gconf-sharp.dll
-target:library -pkg:banshee LastFmTopTracksPlugin.cs

You have to have your last.fm username set in the last.fm plugin for it
to work.


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