[Banshee-List] Banshee 0.9.10

Announcing Banshee 0.9.10!

Please do not hesitate to file bugs against Banshee in GNOME Bugzilla
(http://bugzilla.gnome.org, component: banshee), or discuss Banshee on
this list or in #banshee on irc.gnome.org. The Banshee Wiki, open to
everyone for viewing and editing is located at


- Updated entagged-sharp 
- Reworked some of the menus
    - Reorder edit menu
    - Add Import/Burn CD items to Music menu
    - Certain items are set sensitive/inset contextually (including
toolbar items)
- Moved the file encoder progress reporting to the new interface
- Reverted to Bash wrapper script from the C program introduced after
- Tray Icon Enhancements
    - Disable tray icon by
setting /apps/Banshee/ShowNotificationAreaIcon to false
    - Advance/regress in playlist using scroll wheel
    - Fastforward/Rewind in playlist using CTRL+Scroll
    - Turn volume up/down using SHIFT+Scroll (Ulas SAHIN)
    - Display current position/total time in tooltip (Doğacan Güney)
- Smarter parsing/extrapolating metadata based on file name patterns in
the case where tag data is missing (Miguel de Icaza)
- Norwegian Bokmål translation (Øivind Hoel)


- Fix off-by-one bug with CD ripping; caused track one to really be
track two, track two to really be track three, and caused a zero-length
last track. The old CDDB code reported zero-based indexes, but
MusicBrainz reports one-based indexes. Small oversight in the switch to


Release Overview Page:

Banshee 0.9.10 Tarball:

ipod-sharp 0.5.9 Tarball:

libipoddevice 0.3.4 Tarball:

Banshee Wiki: 


- Mono and full stack
- ipod-sharp 0.5.9; in turn requires libipoddevice 0.3.4
- gtk-sharp-2.0 (2.3.91)
- sqlite3
- GStreamer 0.8.11
- libmusicbrainz 2.1.1 or better
- libnautilus-burn 2.12
- GTK+ 2.6 or better
- HAL 0.5.2 or better


- New versions of Banshee will be released every Thursday. Releases with
an odd micro version number, are to be considered essentially CVS
snapshots. Even micro version numbers will be considered more stable,
and are subject to more testing than odd micro version numbers.

- To distributors: due to a bug in the Mono 1.1.8.x mcs compiler,
Banshee code will not compile. Attempting to do so will result in the
compiler crashing. Mono must be used to build Banshee. However,
the resulting assembly will execute just fine on the 1.1.8.x
corlib/runtime. This means that Banshee can be built with and
run on 1.1.8.x. For distributions that cannot upgrade the compiler, the
bare compiler assembly has been bundled with banshee for now. To
build using the bundled compiler, simply pass --with-internal-mcs to

- Bindings to the VLC libraries have been implemented and are available
as a Banshee Media Engine. To use the VLC engine, pass --enable-vlc to
configure. Additionally, libvlc.so must be copied to
banshee/mediaengines/vlc before running "make install". To build
libvlc.so, download and build Jon Lech Johansen's snd123:


Copy the resulting libvlc.so to the aforementioned build directory, and
proceed with building Banshee as normal. Keep in mind, VLC support is
optional. Banshee also supports GStreamer and Helix engines. GStreamer
is required, and Helix is optional, but will be automatically detected
and configured if your system is set up properly with either RealPlayer
or Helix Player. See http://helixcommunity.org/

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