Re: [Banshee-devel-list] Pending patches


I've spent the last 45 minutes cruising the bugzilla. Would it be handy to maybe tag all bugs with a patch (that's ready to consider) with the string [PATCH] in the summary?

Many of them have this already, but not all. Can you give me access to edit their summaries so we can easily search out these bugs on bugzilla? Then it'd be real easy to keep track of pending patches.


Patrick "Trick" van Staveren
Western Michigan University
Cell: 269.267.6008

----- Message from abockover novell com ---------
    Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 13:22:50 -0400
    From: Aaron Bockover <abockover novell com>
Reply-To: banshee-devel-list gnome org
 Subject: [Banshee-devel-list] Pending patches
      To: banshee-devel-list gnome org

95% of my time lately has been spent towards bug fixing on the stable
branch. As a result, there are a number of pending patches that need
review and probably committing.

Would someone mind collecting a list of patches and organize them into
fixes, features, etc?

I am going to try to get to the child source patch today and commit that
to HEAD.


Banshee-devel-list mailing list
Banshee-devel-list gnome org

----- End message from abockover novell com -----

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