Re: cvs HEAD : images/mimetypes and GNOME_ICON_DIR

Le 27.01.2005 20:28:44, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :
Am 27.01.05 19:19 schrieb(en) Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh):
While installing balsa cvs, it tries to install the mmimetypes icones directly in /usr/share/icons/gnome du to the following line in the Makefile:

GNOME_ICON_DIR = /usr/share/icons/gnome

I build the cvs outside my standard tree (i.e in /opt) and I cannot do a clean make install.

Shouldnt it be
GNOME_ICON_DIR = $(prefix)/usr/share/icons/gnome

Well, configure[.in] asks pkg-config about gnome's `prefix' folder:

GNOME_ICON_DIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=prefix libgnomeui-2.0`/share/icons/gnome

The additional mime type icons *must* be installed in this folder, as the search paths are hardcoded in libgnome[ui]. I also have my Gnome 2.8.2 build living in /opt/gnome-2.8, and in the Makefile it reads

GNOME_ICON_DIR = /opt/gnome-2.8/share/icons/gnome

Are you sure pkg-config searched the right lib/pkgconfig folder first? I use the environment setting


to this end.

Hope this helps,

Ok, it works this way. But I dont want to have my own gnome but only my own balsa. So my install scheme tries to install the icons in the root tree. So, I've to do that as root and I don't like to break my system this way.


Thanks and regards


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