Forwarding options

Barbara Pennacchi has raised some issues with forwarding:

One issue is that the ctrl+F binding to Edit => Find... takes  
precedence over Message => Forward Inline..., so if that's your  
preferred way of forwarding, you're out of luck.

Barbara suggests that `F' should be bound to a plain `Forward'  
item (perhaps `Forward (default)'), which would take the same  
default action as the toolbar button.  Other forwarding items,  
being used less frequently, would have no keybinding.  The  
question is what other items to have, and how to label them.   
Some possibilities:

(1) Forward...            [F]
    Forward (alternate)...

(2) Forward...            [F]
    Forward Attached...
    Forward Inline...

(3) Forward...            [F]
    Forward [labeled as the alternate]...

where in (3) we change the second item's label on the fly to  
whichever is not the default.

I find (1) and (2) possibly confusing, and (2) also adds another  
item to a long menu, so I'm inclined towards (3). It's feasible  
(with a little groping around), but are there HIG issues?

Comments or other suggestions?

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