Re: html reply

On 07/01/2003, Samuel Irlapati wrote:
> How do I reply to an html email and have the html converted to text?

Select the text in the message window using the pointer, and paste it 
into the compose window using the center mouse button.  Inelegant, but 
it works!

If Balsa supported GtkHtml3 and you had GtkHtml3 installed, it could be 
handled the same way as when replying to a plain text email. However, 
to avoid duplicating the message when it's sent in alternative plain 
and html parts, Balsa should probably offer a choice of which to 
include, quoted.  
Actually, if you also had the option of including or not including 
attachments, we could avoid the nuisance of deleting massive amounts of 
quoted text (attached patches, for instance).  Something like 
Albrecht's excellent display of message parts would do the trick!


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