(no subject)

Hi Everyone!

I'm writing today to let you know some really cool news. 
I just became a Dot TK Ambassador! If you don't already 
know about Dot TK (www.dot.tk) it is the exclusive domain
Registry for the islands of Tokelau, a tiny group of islands 
in the South Pacific, with 1,500 people. 

Tokelau is very poor and very isolated, but we all hope 
to see that change in the very near future! Dot TK has 
created the Tokelau Internet Project, which is attracting 
the worlds attention to the needs of Tokelau, as well 
as securing funding and new technologies for the island. 
They desperately need better communications, education 
and medical care! One of the ways Dot TK is spreading 
the word about Tokelau is by GIVING away their domains 
for FREE!

I have registered my FREEDOMAIN.TK site(s) already. 
Please take a second and visit!


The important thing is that as an Ambassador, I have 
committed to tell all my friends and family about Tokelau 
and Dot TK. So, today I am asking you to please visit 
www.dot.tk and read about Tokelau. Then, before you 
leave the site, register at least one FREEDOMAIN.TK domain 
(you can actually have up to three if you want!). You will 
see that a lot of the great domain names are still available! 

Please use the following Ambassador Coupon Number 
during the registration process to make sure that
the Tokelau registry knows you came through me!

The Ambassador Coupon Number to use is: 18805

Our goal is to get 1,000,000 FREEDOMAIN.TK registrations. 
So, please join me in helping Tokelau by registering a 
FREEDOMAIN.TK domain today. 

Its really easy to register and it only takes a few 
minutes. Also, once you have registered, if you want 
to help Tokelau even more, you can become a Dot TK 
Ambassador, too! 

Let me know if you have any questions...

Rafael Serna
Deputy Ambassador

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