Re: Annoying behaviour

On 2002.02.02 19:54 Philip Rhoades wrote:
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 19:51:38 +0000
>> From: Ian Leonard <>
>> To: Balsa List <>
>> Subject: Annoying behaviour
>> Greetings,
>> First, thanks for Balsa and all the hard work. I have been using it 
>> successfully for ages.
> Second that!
>> My problem is that every so often I fail to read a message. It's in 
>> my mail box - I just miss it. It just happened and I think the 
>> reason is this. If I click to open a mail box I might miss the fact 
>> that it has an unread message in it. As I click, sometimes it opens 
>> the new message (which I miss because I'm looking for something 
>> else) and sometimes it doesn't.

That looks like a bug: if there's unread mail, and you have 
`Automatically view message when mailbox opened' checked, the first 
unread message should be opened. It works that way for me (that is, 
I've never noticed it not working!), since a few releases ago. If you 
can reproduce a situation where it doesn't, could you file a bug report?

>> I think the solution to this might be to not remove the unread icon 
>> (the envelope) until you open another message. Just because it's 
>> open in front of you, doesn't mean you've read it. Maybe change the 
>> icon to an open envelope or something while a new message is being 
>> read.
> Seond that as well!

Alternatively, you could uncheck `Automatically view message when 
mailbox opened', and then you'll see only messages you actively open.

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