I could not get balsa to work. Please help

Sorry for the wrong subject.
The original message was:

Hello friends,
I have been using sylpheed for several months.
Recently tried to taste balsa, but could not
get it to download mail from my pop mail box,
and also, I could not get it to send mail through
my SMTP server (the server requires authentication).

In Settings -> Preferences -> Mail Servers tab,
I added the following info :
Mailbox name : santanu (for this I created
               a mailbox in /home/santanu/mail)
Server: pop.softhome.net
Port: 110
Password: ***********

and checked "Delete from Server"

Now, when I try to check mail, a message box 
appears for a fraction of a second and disappears,
I don't know what it says.

However, if I receive any mail locally, I get it
in the Inbox folder. But no mail in the santanu mailbox.
Where am I doing the mistake?

Santanu Chatterjee

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