Re: Balsa and html

Hi Guido,

On 2001.09.08 20:44:46 +0100 Guido Amoruso wrote:
> HI, 
> I have one question about html-mail and mime with Balsa.
> When I receive a html-mail an icon "text/html" appears at the bottom of
> the
> massage, which allows to view all teh html-stuff with a browser. My
> problem
> is that I'd like to use Galeon instead of Mozilla, but I don't know where
> to look for this setting....(it says "Show the part with gnome-moz-remote
> file:f%" - what does this mean?)
> Should I set something with Gnome?

You can set "gnome-moz-remote" to another browser.  I can't remember how
either control center or possibly a file in ~/.gnome  Have a hunt on the
web and I'm sure you will find something.  Sorry if that doesn't help much,
but you are on the right track...


> If you con help me to night, I'll be very grateful, as tomorrow I'll
> leave
> for a one week holiday...

Hope you enjoy your break...

> Thanks!
> Guido


Maf. King
Standby Exhibition Services

"It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn't."

- Martin Van Buren


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