Can't move messages to trash

I'm running 1.1.4 and have just now experienced a new error. When I try
to move messages to the trash, either by "Move to trash" or "transfer"
to the trash folder, I get a message stating "/home/len/mail/trash is
not a mailbox. Couldn't open destination mailbox (Trash) for writing".

I looked and ~/mail/trash is a file, 600, owned by me and the group I'm
in. It's over 300k in size:

-rw-------    1 len      devel      320530 Aug 31 20:47 trash

The only 'unusual' thing I did was to briefly open the command line
'mail' utility without closing Balsa first. I deleted a message using
'mail', which was then (properly) was missing from Balsa after
restarting it - Could this have caused the error? If so, how do I
correct it?

Thanks in advance.

|  Len Philpot   ><>  |
| (alt) (work)  |

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