[Q] : about information dialog box

	Hi all,
I'm preparing a new filters patch release with a GUI modified, but I have 
a gtk problem : I have a modal box, and when user data are invalid I want 
to print an explanation message via balsa_information. But because my 
dialog is modal the information dialog box does not get the focus, and 
stays there, you can't use the mouse or keyboard to say "OK" to this 
dialog, only my modal dialog box is interactive. This is rather annoying. 
How can I manage to print error message via balsa_information avoiding 
this problem.
The only thing I see is to fire a dialog box I have set up to print the 
message, ie not use the balsa_information dialog, that way I can manage to 
do it. But I'd prefer something more "standard" in Balsa, ie use 
Thanks for help

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