Re: HTML window width--always just too small!

  | Every time an HTML part is displayed in my setup, it's always rendered 
  | for a window that's a fraction wider than the one it appears in, so it 
  | has a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom. If I resize the window and 
  | rerender, it adjusts to the new size, but still seems to overestimate 
  | the window width.  Does anyone else see this, and can anyone help me 
  | fix my setup to avoid it?

A silly workaround:

open the messagedisplay window (double click on the mail ;-)
resize it so that it fits your visions...
close it and reopen it
now the html-part is displayed correctly...

If you now resize it again the word-wrapping is finaly gone :-(

Perhaps this helps with the Troubleshooting...

Another Thing is the not working MouseWheel (except over the scrollbar...)
Some Month ago someone pointed out that it is a gtkhtml issue

In Evo they got it to work (surely with a dirty hack but that's better than

And: I found a strange behaviour:

Display a html-message in the preview pane
open the gnome-cc with the gtkhtml-options:
there: change the size of the font currently in use...
press try
change to the balsa window (which is hopefully still alife ;-)
if you now play with the mouse wheel in the preview pane the html-part is
scrolled in a very strange way...


"Sie werden niemals ihr Unvermögen sanktionieren können!
              NIE! Denn das ist immanent."
                                     Johannes Grenzfurthner

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