Re: Bugs in To: entry

On 2001.10.11 14:07 Emmanuel wrote:
> 	Hi all,
> here is a little bug but still annoying. When you compose a new message,
> type something in the to: address field, select it and erase it with
> backspace or del, as you want, then open your address book, select one
> person, you'll see the correct address in the to: field. But now press
> send
> button, this will erase the To: field, causing the message not to be sent
> (because Balsa does not send message with empty address).
> It's related with libbalsa_..._clear_to_send function, but I was not able
> to really find it. So if someone who knows this code better than me.

OK I think I know why it does not work correctly : in sendmsg-window.c,
when we select addresses from the address book, we just do
	t = balsa_address_book_get_recipients(BALSA_ADDRESS_BOOK(ab));
	if ( t ) 
	    gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), t);

So that if you had previous match before, when you do
libbalsa_address_entry_clear_to_send on the address-entry widget, it gets
confused because with the newly added address from the address book. So I
think we should clear the input datas previously built and construct new
ones corresponding to the new content of the entry. But here is where my
experience stops ;-) so if someone who knows the code better ...

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