Re: Ident patch

Several proposals to replace the signature when changing identity:

1. (hitched97) search the message for existing signature (at the end / the 
2. (hitched97) separate the signature, combine them before sending
3. (hitched97) separate the signature, send as multipart
4. (Brian) send as vcard
5. (Melanie) insert invisible character to delimit signature
6. (myself) do nothing

Initially, here are my thoughts:

(1) is a little haphazard, but is a reasonable solution
(2) makes the UI more complicated (as it is I don't really like the "pane" 
used for the headers, it wastes space, and doesn't look good).
(3) is just not a common way of attaching signature, might not work on 
some UA as suggested by Melanie (not just because of the lack of MIME 
support, but most wouldn't take the "inline" hint, thereby requiring you 
to open the "sig" part manually in order to view it.)
(4) if it's a standard, why not? but make it optional.
(5) is a bit of a hack, a clever idea but...
(6) to have to do any of (2)-(5) is excessively complicated for a simple 
problem. I don't feel that it is such an important need IF we could guess 
the correct identity 90% of the time. There have been some ideas floating 
around for doing that, notably:
  * using the To: field
  * storing X-Headers into messages belonging to the same mailbox (similar 
to the "Account" flag of Outlook Express)

So my vote is to do (6), or (1).


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