Re: Ident patch

On Wed,  3 October 09:35 Jules Bean wrote:
>  On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 04:28:55PM -0400, hitched97 wrote:
>  > This seems to be a rather haphazard way of doing this.  What we need is
>  > a way to keep the signature separate from the message body until the
>  > message is sent - perhaps by having a separate text box in the compose
>  > window, similar to the headers in the message view.  Any thoughts?
>   Is it not sufficient to search for the last occurence of "-- \n"
>  (hyphen hyphen space newline), and assume all text after that is a
>  signature?
>   That's the standard sig separator.

Standard is a bad word here - common or de-facto would be better.
The real problem though is that this sequence can appear elsewhere in messages
as well as seperating the final signature.  We cannot rely on the following
text actually being a signature, at least not in a robust application.

I would support the earlier approach of keeping the sig seperate until the
last minute, or alternatively an "Append Signature" button to add the text
at the end of the message.


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