Re: balsa-1.1.2 - IMAP folders

On Thu, 08 Mar 2001 18:23:48 Asim Zuberi wrote:
| Folks:
| Yesterday, I got balsa-1.1.2 to work. It looks great and thanks for
| putting
| in very 
| good work into it. 
| Now on to the problem. Now there is a new behavior - which I am seeing
| with
| this ver of
| balsa. Once, all the IMAP folders are "open" on the startup of Balsa, and
| then they slowly 
| timeout and goes offline (after 10 minutes or so), I can't open them
| again
| by just simply
| clicking them. I ended up shutting down balsa completely and restart. Is
| this just me or
| is this something new - or I am missing something. Any pointers will be
| appreciated.

A work-around for me is to set the Balsa "check mailbox" timeout
to less than the server's IMAP timeout.  Your server probably has
a timeout of 10 minutes.  What is the time in
and preferences->Misc->Misc->Automatically close...

But it is a great feature.  Really cool.

| thanks!
| /Asim;
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Berend De Schouwer, +27-11-712-1435, UCS

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