Balsa debian package issues


I've just spend an afternoon 'housekeeping' the debian package. I hope
to upload 1.1.1 into unstable soon.

If there are any debian users watching, I'd appreciate it if you
tested out the packages on

There are a few issues I'd like the balsa developers to have a think
about for me:

1) Bug at -- forwarding doesn't forward
attachments. I vaguely remember us discussing this before, I don't
recall the resolution.  Is there a preferences option (I couldn't see

2) If you look at you'll at the bottom a
patch by Martin Schulze which fixed several bugs, and added a few new
features. I was going to try to understand how this relates to 1.1.1,
but I don't have time now this evening.  If someone else would, I'd be 

3) There are still problems with the help directory:

a) db2html seems to look in the wrong place for stylesheets. I've
installed the gnome-doc-tools package from

or rather, a slightly newer version by eliot landrum, and it installs
the stylesheets in /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/gnome-doc-tools,
whereas the balsa stuff seems to be looking for it in docbook-gnome.
I find this all very confusing.  I plan to upload the gnome-doc-tools
package along with balsa: maybe someone here understands where it
should put things.  Or I'll ask on the GDP list.

b) That notwithstanding (I made it work locally with a symlink) I have 
the problem that make distclean doesn't do what it should in the help/ 
subdir.  I.e. a pristine tarball, unpack, build, make distclean
doesn't take you bake to where you started.  Which is should!

Hope someone can help with some of those,


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