Can't send email

After installing 1.1.5 soon after its release, I have been unable to send
email from balsa.  With the 1.1.6 rpms I experience the problem.

When I hit send, the sending mail dialog box opens and just hangs there
for quite a long time.  Nothing happens and no mail gets sent.  Then later
a balsa information dialog box opens with "message delivery problem,
placing it into your outbox. System with attempt to redeliver the message
until you delete it."

I have my remote smtp server defined as, just
like I have ever since the days of balsa 0.8.  This is a cable modem
provider so I have the user and passphrase left blank.  I've been reading
the many messages about libesmtp during the last weeks and wonder if that
applies to my situation.  Sendmail is running as a daemon listing on port
25.  Do I need to configure sendmail with special options or is there some
sort of other remedy that someone can suggest?

Thanks in advance,


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