Re: POP3 critical problem

On 2001.06.20 18:02:12 +0100 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> hello!

> i press the icon for balsa and it comes up. i then press
> check to get my emails. now lets say. balsa gets 13 of 20
> mails and then a dialog comes up and tell me that i reached
> a timeout or something that tells me that there was some
> errors with my mailbox (maybe its timeout or maybe the intern
> timer for balsa exceeded or whatever)..
ok, there is a timeout now to prevent getting stuck. the time out
needs to be increased as it seems.

> oki now i have 13 new messages in my mailboxes that i can
> read. but hey.. i got only 13 of 20 emails and i press check
> again. but instead of getting the remaining emails. balsa
> starts over again and get me all 20 emails.
do you delete or keep the mails on server ? if you keep the current 
pop3 code is not very good at handling network problems.

> this ends in this..
> - 13 emails that i got before.
> - abort due an timeout or error.
> - 20 emails after i pressed check again.
> 13 emails double..


> this is not good. i would suggest that you get one email
> after another and delete that one to avoid getting emails

this is what balsa does

> double. and whenever an error happened and balsa wasnt able
> to delete the mails on the mailbox then make sure the email
> (might come here partially) gets deleted too.
this is what balsa does

> correct behave might be this.

this is what happens:

> 1) connect to pop
> 2) get 1 email on pop
> 3) check if no errors happened during transer (timeout)

3a) drop message in mailbox or call procmail

if no error delete on server

> 4) goto 2 until last email reached.

i'd say the server is caching message status and not deleting properly when 
there is a connection problem. 
either that or you don't have 'delete on server' checked :)

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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