Re: characters ISO8859-1 (West European - pt)

This is what I can never understand with localization.
I do not want to localize anything in X
(I'm used to have plain old US english everywhere, ls sorting according
to ascii codes and not alphabetically, etc),
but I do want to read messages written in differen languages (and
several different languages moreoever, say english, russian (cyrillic),
estonian (accents) ).

Sorry, it is not question of Balsa, it is a question about localization

Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> its not a bug, its due the fact that xfree changed localisation
> and authentification from xfree 401 to 402 +++ and now 410...
> you must explicitely make sure to have your language, charset etc
> exported correctly because new xfree rely on correct exported things
> if it cant find it it defaults to C usually english. i once had this
> problem myself and i worked through many things for weeks and finaly
> found the solution on some messagebases at xfree itself.
> --
> Name....: Ali Akcaagac
> Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
> E-Mail..:
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