gtk-programming help requested

	Hi all,
I'm now completing the GUI part of filters, but I've problem with 
gtk-programming. Here are my questions, if someone could help, it'll be 
very appreciated (even links to better doc than what I've found in my 
debian :) :
- On errors, I want to tell the filter dialog to exit : for now I just 
do some clean-ups and call gtk_widget_destroy on the GtkWidget * 
pointing on the dialog widget (in fact I call directly the callback 
function which handles OK/CANCEL buttons, simulating a CANCEL button 
press); is that correct ? Any suggestion if not ?
- next I have a list of "conditions" of the filter; when you select an 
element of this list, other widgets gets filled according to the 
definition of the condition newly selected. Conversely when you have 
modified these latter widgets and you select another condition, the 
condition being unselected is synchronized with widgets content, but 
this can lead to error (eg regular expression syntax errors) so that I 
wan't to be able to prevent unselection (and so selection) on error. 
What is the good method to do that ?
For now I do this in the unselection callback which performs the checks; 
on failure it doesn't call gtk_list_unselect and calls 
gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name(list_widget,"select_row"); is that correct?
I'm sorry if all this is off-topic, but right now I can only compile the 
sources and I've now way to run balsa-1.1.7 due to lack of recent libs 
(and won't be able to download them, I have to wait the next debian-CDs 
:( ).
By the way I wonder if someone is interested in testing what I have 
until now. It'll be hard testing because of the above "disclaimer" :), 
but would greatly help me. For now only one person is testing that 
stuff, so any help will be very appreciated.
Thanks if you've read 'till here.

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