Re: Fwd: Re: wrap problem [albrecht dress arcormail de]

On 2001.07.27 16:25:40 +0200 Maciej Golebiewski wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 15:48:26  
>  M . Thielker wrote:
> >The end of a paragraph must not always
> >be a blank line. I always use text
> Unfortunately a single \n might not be
> enough in balsa to easily recognize a new
> paragraph. So I'm voting for a blank line
> as a paragraph separator.

no i dont vote doing this because its in no
way literal doing this.. here in germany we
use different ways of paragraphs...

a) the way with space line
b) the way of indenting the next paragraph.


;---[ paragraph ]-----
asdfasdfasdfasdfsadfasdfsdasadfsad asdfasdf
asdf asdfasdf asdfas asdfasf asdfasdf asdfasdf

asfsadf sadf safadsfas asdf sdaf sadfsadf saf sda
asdfsda sadf asdfsad adsfasdf asd dasfas sdaf asdf
;---[ paragraph ]-----

the other way

;---[ paragraph ]-----
blah blah blah asfasdf asd fasd asdf asdf sadf sadf
asdf sad fsadf asd fsdaf sadf sda sadf dassdf dasasf
     new paragraph sadf as dsf er sdf asdf asdfdas
asdf sadf asfsa dsa sdaf dsre ewrgrweg swdfsgvfds
asdf aswqe qwerqwr qewrqewrqwerqwerewqrqw svyxcvyxc
     another paragraph wqer qwerq qwerewqr qwr qwrqw
qwrqr qwrqwr qwerqwr qwerqw ewqrqwe qwerwqerwqrewqrqw
;---[ paragraph ]-----

do you see the indents....

> >Sometimes, when I mark multiple lines
> >using the keyboard and delete them,
> >the preceding line will be visually
> >blanked, or only the first character
> >will remain. Entering that line with the
> Same here and it drives me crazy but I
> blame the brokenness on the GTK widget used.

yeah.... i usually 'iconify' the window then
and let it appear afterwards. everything is solved
then. but i am not 100% if this is really an
gtk issue. maybe we need an separate event that
refreshes the contents..

> System: RH7.1 with gtk compiled on my
> own and gnome upgraded to 1.4.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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