Re: (no subject)

On Wed, 18 July 10:25 Cristina Nunes wrote:

> I got some replies about setting env variable SLANG to pt_PT and so I did,

LANG surely?

I think, however, there is an issue whether Balsa actually sets the locale
properly.  This has affected RE like [[:alpha:]] not matching characetrs
with diacritical marks when they should be matched.

Incidentally playing about with my ctype test program yesterday, I tried
setting the locale to "fr" and it listed only alpha characters in the
us-ascii range, but with the locale as fr_FR it listed the accented characters
as well!

If someone can explain to me why French does not require accented
characters but "French French" does, I'd be interested to hear it. ;)

Brian Stafford

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