Re: PATCH: Misc GUI fixes

On 2001.07.15 02:16 Carlos Morgado wrote:
> Em Sab, 14 Jul 2001 17:00:02 M . Thielker escreveu:
> > Fixes:
> > - drag handle in compose window allows entry boxes to be squashed,
> >   when attachments are later added the display gets corrupted and
> sometimes
> >   cannot be readjusted by dragging

Hi Carlos,

 there was a drag box on the divider line between the top (header) area and
the bottom (message text) area in the compase window. If you use that, all
the boxes in the header would get either drawn out or squashed. Since gtk
remembers the position and prefers the user set position over the
automatically determined one, when you add an attachment and the attachments
area is displayed, all the entry boxes will get squashed as Balsa tries to
fit them all into the now non-expandable space.
Depending on the phases of the moon, the boxes will sometimes not readjust
properly, even when the handle is used to drag the divider bar down again.
I thought it most prudent to remove the handle, since all changes on the top
part can be performed safely through the "view" menu.


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