Bug in message sorting


I consider this as a bug, but maybe it is not.
I would expect, that if I sort messages by message number (#) I get it
sorted in the way, they are in mailbox file. But it looks, that they are
date sorted, and that the index number is assigned after doing that.
It is not easy to find a message that somebody posted 2 days ago, but I
have received it today.
May be it is not so bad if you have tenths of messages in mailbox, but I
receive about 60 emails every day :( (mostly from mailing lists)
So it would be nice if I were able to see the messages in order they are

Oh, and a one more small complain at the end ;)
When I have a lot messages (eg. 2500) it takes very long to open a mailbox.
Comparing to other MUAs it is slow.
I use balsa 1.1.4.

Best Regards,

Olaf Fraczyk

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