Balsa hang

I'm sure I can't reproduce this but...

Running 1.1.6 on RH 7.1 Linux 2.4.6 w. smp (2 processors)

I clicked on the Check button.  The dialog showed up and then balsa seemed
to hang.  The balsa window wouldn't re-update after being covered by
another window.  I ran lsof (output lost) and it showed balsa had 3 file
descriptors for my inbox mailbox "/var/spool/mail/kop", and no other
process has the file open.  (I believe this was the "selected" mailbox.)

Top says:
 12:59am  up 6 days,  8:34,  4 users,  load average: 0.98, 0.56, 0.22
91 processes: 87 sleeping, 3 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states: 55.1% user,  0.5% system, 52.3% nice, 43.4% idle
CPU1 states: 59.1% user,  1.3% system, 47.0% nice, 38.4% idle
Mem:   255300K av,  233212K used,   22088K free,       0K shrd,    2176K
Swap:  525120K av,   85412K used,  439708K free                  138544K

 3183 kop       20   5 16212  15M  4592 R N  98.8  6.3   3:55 balsa
  889 root       9   0  111M  47M 40412 S    15.4 19.1 326:12 X
 2877 kop       13   5 56748  54M  9488 S N   0.9 21.9   6:37
 3225 root      12   0  1084 1084   840 R     0.7  0.4   0:00 top


The close widget on the balsa window did nothing.

I sent the balsa process a sighup with kill and it quit gracefully.

When I restarted balsa, a lot of "old" messages were in my inbox.  Stuff I
had moved into the spam folder or deleted.

Good luck on this one.

I did compile balsa myself with the stock RH 7.1 compiler which is known to
have a bad c++.

I have also had netscape crash with a signal 4...  _Maybe_ I've got some
ram going flakey?????  On the other hand, this is netscape we're talking

Karl <>

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