Re: Message size column in index panel

> i think the size column would look better
> before the date. opinions ?

Optimal solution would be if the users
could adjust their own order of columns by
dragging column names, but this would
probably require rewrite of quite a lot of

But if the placement is fixed like it is
now, the question is what information is
needed more often? I think it's the date
- I do want to know the size, but I need
date more frequently. Therefore I put size
after date. But it's trivial to change
should someone prefer other ordering.

>> and supports also index sorting by size.
>doesn't seem to want to work for me

I'll check it later when I'm back at home.
Doesn't it work at all or partially? Could
you give more details?

Strange, I have tested it before posting...

> it has a few glitches with the tighter
> compile option, + what i said 
> above. looks good otherwise.

I'll check it out in the evening.



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