Re: gnome-print support?

On 2001.02.20 18:41:21 +0000 Fernan Aguero wrote:
> While configuring for compiling both balsa-1.1.1 and balsa from cvs I got
> the
> following:
> checking for GNOME-PRINT - version >= 0.20.0... awk: cmd. line:1: $BEGIN
> {FS=".";} {print $\61 * 1000 + $\62;}
> awk: cmd. line:1:  ^ parse error
> awk: cmd. line:1: $BEGIN {FS=".";} {print $\61 * 1000 + $\62;}
> awk: cmd. line:1:                          ^ backslash not last character on
> line
> awk: cmd. line:1: $BEGIN {FS=".";} {print $\61 * 1000 + $\62;}
> awk: cmd. line:1:  ^ parse error
> awk: cmd. line:1: $BEGIN {FS=".";} {print $\61 * 1000 + $\62;}
> awk: cmd. line:1:                          ^ backslash not last character on
> line
> /configure: test: integer expression expected before -ge
> not found
not a balsa bug.
aparently someone @ximian broke the gnome-print autoconf macro in the cvs
rep. :\ the macros/ dir is common to all projects.
i'll try to pin down the guilty party.

tkx for the report

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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