Re: [Q] : search window ?

On 2001.12.24 11:47 Olaf Frączyk wrote:
> On 2001.12.21 13:19:04 +0100 Emmanuel wrote:
>> 	Hi all,
>> There was a feature request to have a window containing all messages 
>> matching a search request, and when you click on one of these messages 
>> you are moved to the actual message of the mailbox.
> I thought about a little different idea ;)
> You click search. You get window with all messages that match.
> You double-click in this window on message and it opens in __separate__ 
> window.
> And you may read, reply, forward etc.
>> I have an idea to implement that having in mind that I want to reuse 
>> max of code. Namely I just want to mimic the pop3 hack : create a fake 
>> mailbox, fill it with matching messages and then create a BalsaIndex 
>> associated to that mailbox. Then you're almost done (you just have to 
>> manage the click and the selection of the corresponding message in the 
>> actual mailbox, that's easy I think).
>> I think this is doable but do you agree :)? And do you think the 
>> changes to BalsaIndex will be OK or that seems to lead to an ugly hack 
>> of hell
> I think it could be handled more simply:
> In this window you would be unable to delete message, or move it.
> So the only things which can change message index is chacking mail in 
> background (is this true, or am I wrong?). But, the only thing that 
> could happen, is addition to index. Nothing will be removed or moved.
> And the window with matched messages has to be modal.
IMHO I think we can't make it modal because you want to be able to browse 
the matching messages select one that interests you this get you back to 
the actual mailbox index, the message is displayed and then you can do 
whatever you want with this message (or others), I mean you can delete it 
now (because later you'll forget where it was ...) and so on. So the 
better way to handle it is a non-modal window that gets refreshed on any 
modification of the mailbox (just signal handlers correctly hooked ;-).

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