Re: PATCH: html mousewheel scroll


I just tried the patch and found a serious shortcoming that disqualifies it 
even as a workaround.
When the header of a message is so long that the header pane takes up most 
of the viewing area, only the bottom (html) part is scrollable. It, however 
is tiny, in this case about 1/2" high. There is absolutely no way to move 
the pane boundary.
A possible solution would be to make the gtkhtml widget always be the size 
of the entire preview pane. That would force the preview pane's scrollbar 
to appear and make it possible to scroll the headers out of view.

I have given this issue some thought, and I came up with this approach:

What if one were to disconnect the signals from the keyboard/mousewheel 
from the gtkhtml widget, after it has been created, and connect them abain 
to the preview, the way a regular text widget would?

AFAIK the reason gtkhtml panes in message display don't scroll properly is 
that gtkhtml has it's own scolling and keyboard handling. So, different 
from the text widget, it will not pass the keyboard and mouse events on to 
it's parent widget.
With my limited knowledge of gtk+ I believe it should be possible to 
disconnect the gtk+ signals from the gtkhtml widget's handler routines and 
connect them to the parent's handlers directly. That would solve all 


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