Re: gnome_show_url() hangs in threaded programs

  | > I have impression that something has got broken in gnome_show_url() and
  | > related functions (or perhaps, a bug has surfaced that has not been
  | > active earlier).
  | After closer investigation, I think the problem is in gthread library. I
  | attach a test program with does some threading and forking at the same
  | time. 
  | The program WorksForMe(TM) when compiled as follows:
  | # cc atfork-test.c -lthread
  | The program hangs when compiled as follows:
  | # cc atfork-test.c -lgthread -lglib
  | I think it should not happen so (and gnome programs hang because they
  | link
  | against gthread). Can someone confirm it? Offer a solution?
  | /Pawel

ok: the glib/gthread-version WorksNotForMe
It chust hangs after

moh@a800[thread_balsa]$ ./a.out
mythread, i=0
Parent, waiting for child 2234
Child is here

and then nothing is happen as long as I press my favourite command <ctrl>+<c>

I'm on DebianUnstable (updated/ upgraded a long time ago ;-)
but with libglib1.2 version 1.2.10-1.1
perhaps this help...
in changelog.debian I could read that no changes were made to the upstream

c ya the MoH
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