Re: PATCH: don't include text/html in reply, ...

Am 24.08.2001 13:45:25 schrieb(en) Toralf Lund:
> Definitely. It would be nicer still if you could quote the html (preferably
> with the tags removed - like I said, I've submitted some code for this on
> if, and only if, there
> isn't also a text/plain part with the same content (this happens rather a
> lot, refer to previous discussion.)

The easy way to do this would be calling content2reply() with ignore_html set
to TRUE, and if the returend string is empty, call it again with ignore_html
set to FALSE plus running your code on the reply. However, this might also

Imagine the following: a mail contains a short text/plain part stating that
the contents is in the following text/html part. How do you decide if these
parts are two representations of the same content or not? I admit that this is
a really screwed up situation, but sometime real life is that way...



    Albrecht Dreß  -  Monschauer Straße 22  -  D-53121 Bonn (Germany)
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