Re: install problem

Thanks folks but still having problems. Here is what I have done:

- confirmed /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib in the /etc/ file
- removed all trace of previous install
- untarred the source code
- rna ./configure --enable-require-all-recipients
- make, make install
- rebooted
- installed balsa-1.2 with --nodeps option as it showed dependencies missing
- ran X and clicked on balsa and -- nothing

With regards to an rpm I did search for one prior to installing from source but couldn't find one for >= 0.83 if there is one out there can someone send me the location?

Thanks for all the help so far,


On Wed, 22 Aug 2001 18:50:51   Ali Akcaagac wrote:
>On 2001.08.22 18:41:20 +0200 Paul Bonham wrote:
>> I compiled and installed it from the file provided at
>> Tried installing with the default prefix=/usr/loal
>> and when then didn't work tried prefix=/usr.
>try this.
>remove all of that stuff again, in all your places installed
>then recompile it using ./configure --enable-require-all-recipients
>make install it.
>reboot your system and then try to recompile balsa from scratch
>please DELETE previously depacked sourcecode and depack the source
>from scratch.
>Name....: Ali Akcaagac
>Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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