Re: [RFC] : Filters <-> Mailboxes association

On 2001.08.21 03:41:22 +0100 James McPherson wrote:

> > 
> > that's deep, not easy to fix, br0kage.
> No, it is not br0kage but a forced adherence to (in my case at least) a
> company-wide policy about email accessibility. If one doesn't like it then
> one doesn't really have a choice.

ops, i meant on balsa's side ! you can't drop pop3 into an imap box. balsa
is broken that way and there is no obvious fix atm. i think melanie
sorry, i wasn't clear

> > > So, I'm of course interested in having everything implemented in such a
> way
> > > that it can be used on any type of mailbox.
> > > 
> > 
> > which is not related to my question. let me make it clearer.
> > Why don't you set up procmail to sort the mail ON the imap server, ie. the
> > right way of doing it ?
> Carlos, the "right way" is the way which works for you within your
> environment.

the right way to do it is the most efficient, least steps, way.

> My environment, along with Melanie's, is imap on a server which we have no
> control over. Besides, if you envision that company mailservers are working

yes, i ventured she wouldn't have control over the imap system before and
her IS people for not doing server side sorting

> on several hundred mailboxes at a time, would you _really_ want the server
> to be filtering your mail? I doubt it!

why not ? is it a 386 ? if you can't trust it do to the simple task of sorting

how can you trust it to even deliver mail ? :)

anyway, this is something of a religious war i agree. imho messages should go 
into storage already sorted instead of being shuffled about. also, in case
of melanie's setup the imap *should* fetch pop3 itself instead of having 
clients doing it (unless there's a less simple reason like being able to
access pop3
from outside a firewall but not imap or somesuch of course)

anyway, all this bears no importance to balsa design. being it interesting or
in this setups the question is should balsa filter mail as it's being fetched
filters should be apliable to mailboxes. if it's appliable to mailboxes it
work on imap.


Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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