2 borkage detected

hi, here are 2 borkages that should be nailed down unfortunately i
am still working on something different for balsa so i dont want to
keep the things i've seen a secret.

open compose window.
- CTRL-W should close this window but if you have a bunch of text,
  then it backwards delete whole words or something... so CTRL-W
  has no real effect.

- delete one message. now go to the trash and undelete it. the
  number in the trash entry gets increased but the file doesnt
  get undeleted (i remember someone reported this already)...

  ... together with this i've detected that deleted messages should
  get the 'trashcan' symbol applied to the 'S' field of the clist.
  (look at my previous *.jpg with the new icons shown, there where
  you see the envelopes, there should be an trashcan when the
  message was moved into the trashcan.

  at least this function was in the sourcecode. here an example.....

    if (message->flags & LIBBALSA_MESSAGE_FLAG_DELETED)
	gtk_ctree_node_set_pixmap(ctree, node, 1,
    else if (message->flags & LIBBALSA_MESSAGE_FLAG_FLAGGED) {
        gnome_stock_pixmap_gdk (BALSA_PIXMAP_FLAGGED, "regular", 
                                &pixmap, &bitmap);
	gtk_ctree_node_set_pixmap(ctree, node, 1, pixmap, bitmap);

    else if (message->flags & LIBBALSA_MESSAGE_FLAG_REPLIED)
	gtk_ctree_node_set_pixmap(ctree, node, 1,

    else if (message->flags & LIBBALSA_MESSAGE_FLAG_NEW)
	gtk_ctree_node_set_pixmap(ctree, node, 1,
	gtk_ctree_node_set_pixmap(ctree, node, 1,

    if (libbalsa_message_has_attachment(message))
	gtk_ctree_node_set_pixmap(ctree, node, 2,

oki this function in src/balsa-index.c is responsible for setting the
icons in the clist, when the message gets replied, or new messages come
in or when you get the attachment sign etc.. now my posted lines differ
slightly from your code, since i added some new icons for default stuff
etc. but anyways the first thing shown here is the same than yours.


should set the trashcan flag, whenever the message gets flagged as deleted.
i would be happy to get this one working again, i bet someone changed the
function of 'deleting' messages some while ago and didn't paid attention
that this got broken, or he/she didnt took much care for the rest of the

i think the previous programmer that implemented this function the first
time thought this..

when i click on 'delete' the message should go into the 'trash' but not
moved out of the list, it should then get marked with the 'trash' symbol
now we have the message in the trash-mailbox and we have the message
in the e.g. inbox-mailbox but marked with the 'trash' sign.

box   | mark,  name,          subject,         date, .....
inbox | read,  Ali Akcaagac,  jo bug detected, 18-Aug-2001 

oki in this example i got a message in the inbox that i have read the mark
got the read sign (in your environment the envelope will dissapear) now i
delete it.

box   | mark,  name,          subject,         date, .....
inbox | trash, Ali Akcaagac,  jo bug detected, 18-Aug-2001 

trash | read,  Ali Akcaagac,  jo bug detected, 18-Aug-2001 

now the mail in the inbox get the trash sign applied and phyisically moved
to the trashcan. you may know this from evolution or similar email clients
when you delete the mail in your inbox then it gets a line signed through,
showing the user that this email is marked for beeing deleted and the physical
copy went into the trash, now depending on the preferences, either i click
delete again to remove the signed mail completely, or i have the prefs set,
dont delete trash after leaving so the email should remain. at least something
like this.

now we want to undelete the message, we now go to the trash, click the email
we want to undelete and it will then be physically moved in the in-mailbox
again since it was there before and marked with 'trash' sign now it gets remarked
as 'mail_read' sign.

i bet everything that this was the way how it operated before and now someone
trashed the function and now we get that issue, that we cannot undelete deleted
messages and the messagecounter for the trashbox gets increased all the time,
when i click on a message in ter trashbox and click 'undelete mail'.

....... another dead function localized and should be fixed.

please don't missunderstand me, i am doing minimal things for balsa, since i
am kinda 'new' to balsa (well i use it for nearly one year now) but i never
had time lurking into the code, i started some days ago (the time all my
patches came) and i detected a couple of issues. i would really appreciate if
you do some fixes, then please take care that the whole 'code' is affected by
it and not partially (only that it works) and the rest is left over.

ideas, comments, correction ? please reply...

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
E-Mail..: mailto:ali.akcaagac@stud.fh-wilhelmshaven.de
WWW.....: http://www.fh-wilhelmshaven.de/~akcaagaa

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