Re: Unable to receive mail. - Solved!

Ali Akcaagac wrote:

>On 2001.08.13 21:33:04 +0200 Charles Sullivan wrote:
>>After upgrading from Balsa 1.1.1 to 1.1.7 and again to 1.2.pre-1, I am 
>>unable to
>>receive mail.  (I could with v 1.1.1).
>>I'm getting the message:
>>  " Couldn't lock /var/spool/mail/<name>
>>    POP3 mailbox <name> accessing error: Could not open mailbox for 
>>Here is /var/spool/mail:
>>drwxrwxr-x     2 root         mail         4096  Aug 13 04:10 .
>>drwxr-xr-x    14 root         root          4096 Aug 10 08:14 ..
>>-rw-rw-r--    1 <name>   root        66433 Aug 13 13:59 <name>
>>-rw-------   1 root          root          2051 Aug 13 04:10 root
>cd /var/spool
>chmod 1777 mail
>cd /var/spool/mail
>chmod 600 *
>as root.
That did the trick.  Many thanks.

Is this in the docs?  Or is it something the first-time setup would have 
had I installed one of the later versions  right off the bat?



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