Re: File selector

I would like to try it. I fully agree with you that the old file selector
is not perfect although I appreciate it's autocompletion feature.

But IIRC we need to apply a patch to the file selector code.
I don't know in which package this new gnome selector is but for me the
need to patch an outside library is a show stopper. I can't imagine to
provide balsa with a required custom gnome library.
What does your gnome file selector patch ?
Is it mandatory for your patch ?
If yes, are your patch making progress in the cvs code ?

I hope to use the new file manager as soon as possible. Thank you for your


Le 2001.08.12 11:00:16 +0200, M . Thielker a écrit :
> Hi,
> has anyone besides me gotten that new gnome file-selector to work yet?
> Melanie
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