Re: [ANNOUNCE] balsa-1.1.4 is out.


Thanks for coming out with yet another release of balsa. "Balsa" is
certainly getting better and better with every release.

Just want to point out to you, "priniting" is again broken with this
release. If you go and try to click on the print icon, it says, printing
isn't possible, because balsa wasn't compiled with "gnome-print" option

What's up with that?


On 2001.04.20 06:33:43 -0500 Pawel Salek wrote:
->We gradually approach next stable release and this is why I have
->pleasure to announce balsa-1.1.4.
->Major highlights:
->- GDK locking problems resolved.
->- printing non-english texts enabled.
->- extended quoted text and reply string configuration.
->- occasional attachment corruption problem fixed.
->- SGI compatibility fixes.
->and many other improvements. Visit 
-> (to be updated soon)
->to get the source and binaries. The binaries were tested on RH 6.2. I am
->aware of one small problem with RH 7.1 because of different set of
->header files a spurious warning is generated. If you run RH 7.1,
->configure balsa with
->./configure --disable-more-warnings
->And I thank everybody who helped to make this release happen. Balsa
->would not be the same without you.
->Have some fun!
->Pawel Salek (
->Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202
->balsa-list mailing list

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