IMAP folders {revisited}

Hello Folks:

Below is the abstract of my $HOME/.balsarc file. As you can see I have
INBOX and then subfolders
under Mail/ directory. With the current configuration, I have to keyin
passwd for each and every folder. Is there a way I can "group them
together"- so that it only ask me for the passwd once.

m3 = {      Type = IMAP;      Name = CTtechouts;      Server =;      Port = 143;      Username = foo;      Password =
766320;      Path = "Mail/ct-techouts";    };

Inbox = {      Type = IMAP;      Name = CTinbox;      Server =;      Port = 143;      Username = foo;      Password =
766320;      Path = INBOX;    };
m4 = {      Type = IMAP;      Name = CTforum;      Server =;      Port = 143;      Username = foo;      Password =
766320;      Path = "Mail/ct-forum";    };

m5 = {      Type = IMAP;      Name = CTtalk;      Server =;      Port = 143;      Username = foo;      Password =
766320;      Path = "Mail/ct-talk";    };

m6 = {      Type = IMAP;      Name = CTsummaries;      Server =;      Port = 143;      Username = foo;      Password =
766320;      Path "Mail/ci-summaries";    };

As always, thanks in advance


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