MH mailbox support in Balsa

Hello (again),

I just installed balsa 1.0-pre2.  According to the "features" section of the
balsa web page, balsa supports MH style mailboxes.  However, when I took one
from another mail application and placed it into balsa's mail directory, it is
seen as a folder and none of the messages in the mailbox are recognized.

Does Balsa really support this type of mailbox?  If so, what am I doing wrong?



j. m.  c  a  t  c  h  e  n  -  p  h  x,  a  z 
j u l i a n  a t  c a t c h e n  d o t  o r g
*h t t p : / / w w w . c a t c h e n . o r g*
d a t e:  11-Oct-2000      t i m e:  17:27:07      

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