some problems - continued

I am sorry that I forgot the basic details:

HelixCode Gnome
Balsa 1.0pre1 (rpm from balsa web site)
RedHat Linux 6.2 (Zoot)

Now for some more details about the mentioned problems:
I have now created a directory inside my local 'mail' directory and move
some mailboxes into that folder. Now, after restarting Balsa, I see the
folder with the mailboxes inside. However, the duplicated mailboxes are
still there (outside of the new folder).

And another:
After i moved messages to the new mailboxes they disappeared from the
inbox, but just momentarily, since they reappeared after I restarted Balsa.
Now I have the messages duplicated, one copy in the inbox and one copy in
another mailbox. Does this happen because I have set Balsa not to delete
messages from my POP server? (perhaps is just getting the same messages

Thanks again,



Lic. Fernan Aguero

Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnologicas
Universidad Nacional de General San Martin

Parque Tecnologico Miguelete
INTI, Edificio 24, 1650, San Martin, Argentina

Phone: 54-11-4580-7255 ext 310
Fax:   54-11-4752-9639
Web:   under construction

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