Re: Balsa and e-post viruses

Pawel Salek <> wrote on 05/05/2000 (13:03) :
> On  5 May, Preben Randhol wrote:
> > But is it implemented in Balsa to make it able to run scripts or program
> > files by doubleclicking? 
> The answer is: no. We would need to implement some kind of sandbox
> approach first. Obviously, one can save the attachment and run it after
> inspection.

That will always be possible so it cannot be fixed as such. I'm more
concerend about the easy click-and-launch and auto-lanuch that is
possible in the affected programs this time (i.e Outlook).

Preben Randhol -- [] -- <>
         "Det eneste trygge stedet i verden er inne i en fortelling."
                                                      -- Athol Fugard

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