Re: pb with sending mail

On mer, 15 mar 2000 19:25:51 Pawel Salek wrote:
> Yup,
> you are right.
> make_address_from_string() from libbalsa/mailbox.c is buggy.
> Any volunteers willing to fix it?

Not sure but I think the problem is in rfc822_parse_adrlist in the
file from libmutt :

 /* if we get something like "Michael R. Elkins" remove the quotes */
        rfc822_dequote_comment (phrase);

it's just a suggestion, I may be way way far from the bug. I'm surely not

the one that is able to/will debug this one ;-)


>Moralite, au reboot suivant, la machine a mis une demi-heure de
>plus pour booter, c'etait le rm -r /tmp qui nettoyait le montage
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