Re: pgp support?

Hi all:

There does exist a version of Balsa with gpg support.  It was a project
of mine for the summer which has not proven as easy as I had hoped.  I
have not finished some of the GUI, but the basic encryption/signatures
work, and it can decrypt messages, albeit through a very odd interface.
I'll include the link to my tarfile of the working version.  I was
unable to figure out how to get patch to work correctly, and have not
had the time to work against the new balsa version.  (The version that
this is based upon is 0.8.0).  I'm sorry if people were expecting more,
and I plan to do more, but with ten weeks to work in, and only one
semester of C/C++, this turned out to be a hard project.  I would
suggest looking at the source before trying to patch it against any
current Balsa. I've probably made a whole bunch of idiotic newbie
programmer-wannabe mistakes, etc, but as far as I can tell, it does

You must have GPG installed with your key already set up.  Then launch
this Balsa, and in the send-message window, there's a new button, called
security settings (or something, I'm not on my development machine at
the moment).  Click that, select encrypt or sign, enter the information
and click ok.  Now write yer message and hit send.  Decryption is
tougher. Go back to the send-message window, click the security button,
click sign, enter your password.  Now click OK, and close that window.
Now, double click on the message you wish to decrypt, and from the
rightmost pull-down menu, select decrypt.  Bingo.  It does not check
signatures yet: GPG does not seem to output the signature verification
stuff to the out or error. weird.

Once again, this is a poor showing, and I apologize.  I do plan on fixes
etc in the near future, though I am very busy for the next few weeks.

here is the file, I hope it works.  It's an entire version of balsa,
0.8.0, with gpg support.  I don't know how else to make this available.

Peter Kimball

"m.nine.six" wrote:

> hi,
> is there any pgp (or gnupg) support? stable or unstable?
> have a nice day,
> alias m.nine.six.
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