Re: CVS: configure

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Michael K Vance wrote:
> How about a little balsa/CVS primer here?

> I checked out the balsa package, and the balsa-idl. I had also seen at
> one time that libbalsa was a separate package, but it wasn't listed in
> `cvs checkout -c`, so I assume it's defunct. I also noticed that
> everything in balsa-idl was contained in balsa/idl. Is there a
> difference?

The CVS server splits things up into modules.  Modules can include other
modules, or consist of pieces of other modules.  The balsa-idl module
consists of the contents of the idl directory in the balsa module.  It
grabs the files from the balsa module, so there should be no difference.

I don't know why balsa-idl exists, I've never needed nor used it.  I think
it can be ignored as far as balsa development is concerned.

> More importantly, the configure script has disappeared from CVS. Any ideas
> why?

The configure script shouldn't be in CVS.  It should have a
file for generating the configure script.  Use the script to
generate all the appropriate configuration files, it automatically should
run configure after its done, passing along any command line options you

Best of Luck,

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