Re: PHP/MySQL tasks on the website

Morgan Tocker wrote:

Hi Henrik,

Sorry to reply off list, I just wanted to ask a stupid question... as
I haven't been actively following the art mailing list.

Sorry to put the reply back on the list :) , I just want the other people interested in the PHP-dev side of it to see this also. And these are not stupid questions :)

Where is the code repository, and how can I best merge contribute changes? (also what is you're staging/build system for rolling out
There isn't an code repository and we'll probably not make one. So far I've just checked out a local copy from the gnome CVS (, made changes and tested locally and then deployed on the site. I then submitted patches to the art.gnome team who has committed the useful ones. My code and patches are here:

It's obviously more work to continue patching against the art.gnome version and it requires making sure it serves both requirements, but I think it's worth it (and good open source practice).

* Code comments and cleanup: there are very few comments in the code. It
might be a good exercise for someone to go through and add sensible
comments and perhaps even clean up the code in various ways if they have
the experience to do that. I already abstracted out some hard-coded
things like site name, contact email etc., from the original gnome
in-line versions to variables in the config file, but more of this could
be done.

I suggest php-doc style comments in line.  Without having seen the
code, there's now a good pear packages for handling configuration
settings.  I try to make code as beautiful as possible -- is there a
risk here that if I touch too much I'll break something upstream, or
is it a fork already?
First: We are trying hard to _not_ make this a fork, because there is still lots of sensible development ahead that both these two sites, and possibly others, can benefit from. That will require some more work in keeping features abstract, but that probably makes for better code in the end anyway.

If you want to use Pear packages, you should probably check whether this will be accepted upstream by Thomas and Benjamin. One reason I'm copying the lists all the time is to bring people into these sorts of discussions (sorry for the spam everyone). I'm sure added comments will be fine even if they touch very many files, as long as they are useful (but I would suggest starting from the gnome version and submitting your patch there).

btw: I'm putting some devel thoughts here:

- Henrik

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