
Just a quick round up of important fixes and additions to in the last few months.


 * New admin page for editing user level and reseting users passwords

 * New rejection reasons for themes:
     - "badly formed" (theme doesn't work)
     - "duplicate" (the theme has already been submitted)

 * LICENSE file added. art-web is now released under GPL!

 * Comment count for each item shown in the item listings

 * Submit background/theme links now appear in the user menu in the sidebar

A full change log is available at

On a related note, I have implemented a number of scripts to automate background additions at They basically check for any "approved" items in the submitted background list, then download them and copy them to ftp. Another script then runs sometime later (once the ftp servers have synchronised), to add them to the site. The next thing to implement will be to automate the task of taking screenshots of themes, although this may not be possible at because of the lack of an X server.


The todo is being regularly updated, so if you're looking to get involved then have a look for something you can do

* James is currently working on a screen shots section, with a preliminary back-end already committed.

* I am working on a template system to help implement the new navigation pane. After this, I am hoping the new template system can be used in other user interface additions, such as allowing authors to edit their own items.

* Patrick Hulin has been looking into creating a more visually appealing rating bar, using stars that light up as you move your mouse over them.

If you're working on something, or have come across an issue you think is important then please let us know, either by adding something to the wiki, or posting to this mailing list.


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