Re: suggestions for the dynamic login

У Пнд, 2005-06-20 у 00:25 +0200, Benjamin Berg пише:

> Possibility #2:
> Every page is able to do the login.

This is way, what i use on my all pages. But in real, on my pages you
call every time the same page... ;o) but with different urls.

>  3a. If successful it will display a message at the beginning of the
> page. After this the rest of the page just thinks that the user is
> logged in, and will work as if the user was logged in in the first
> place.
> Example of how this page might look like:

Looks nice, but its overhead. You can see if you are successfull logined
if "login box" dissapier. You can else put User Name there, just in to
"logout box".

Kulyk Nazar

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