Re: stuff

On Mo, 2005-07-25 at 23:40 +0000, Dave Foster wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 22:54 +0100, Thomas Wood wrote:
> > > Specifically, the things I'm talking about:
> > > - Comments still have slashes at quotes
> > 
> > This I've been strugling with for some time. The input should all be 
> > checked firstly to see if magic quotes is on, and only if it isn't then 
> > add slashes.
> Yep, I agree... I was only originally speaking about it from the display
> perspective, as you can see the \"s right now on the site.  It appears
> that in html_parse_text in includes/, you could put a
> stripslashes somewhere in there.  This may solve it popping up in a
> number of places, not just comments.  Of course, this may cause
> problems... probably worth testing or something :)

So you suggest stripping all $_GET and $_POST vars on page load? This
would work, but also means, that the mysql queries need to be checked,
to prevent attacks.

> I actually filed a bug before I got your response, not sure if it was
> needed but I recorded it anyway.  Here is the link:

The specific problem with comments should be fixed. I have posted a
patch for the last bug related to comments (was a dynamic login
problem). But there are still problems in account.php. I have even seen
a user with a \' in the user name, but don't recall exactly where it

> It's defintely useful to have Next and Previous links, maybe using the
> full text, "next/prev", or "<- prev" and "next ->" would be a decent
> solution.  
> One thing I've done in the past, when dealing with a number of pages of
> items, is to have a box in the middle of the page navigation, that lets
> you enter a page number with a little go submit box.  It's moderatly
> compact, but may not be the best solution.  Maybe something that shows
> you like 3 pages forward and 3 pages backward from your current page,
> and ignores the rest?  Many forums do something similar.

Yeah, something like this would be a good idea.


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